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At a glance:

  • Magnetic corner keeps small parts in place

  • Non-slip neoprene cleaning mat protects firearms and work surface

  • Large 11”x17” cleaning mat provides ample space for all aspects of firearms maintenance

Even a great gun can fail if it is not properly maintained, but cleaning and maintaining your firearms can be a chore if you don’t have the right tools. Introducing the TANDEMKROSS “Medic Mat,” a large 11”x17” cleaning mat ideal for firearms maintenance.

The “Medic Mat” cleaning mat is made of non-slip neoprene that protects firearms and your work surface. The large surface area provides ample space for all aspects of firearms maintenance, while a strong magnetic corner ensures you don’t lose small parts while you’re working. The cleaning mat also includes a compact carrying case so you can easily fit your cleaning mat in your range bag for cleaning and maintenance on the go.

Get the TANDEMKROSS “Medic Mat” and make regular firearms maintenance part of your post-range routine. Improve your gun’s functionality and ensure it performs at a high level for many years to come.

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Kaliber.pl to przede wszystkim dbałość o szeroki wybór produktów z pośród 40 światowych marek, znajdujących się pod opieką Kaliber Sp. z o.o. Zapewniamy wsparcie na każdym etapie zakupu i gwarantujemy solidność i rzetelność od 1990 roku.